Bromford, Pleydells
- LocationBromford
- Completion DateDec 2017
The heating upgrade at The Pleydells features individual ShoeboxProduct
Kensa’s borehole shared ground loop array architecture employed at The Pleydells is classified as a district heating system under the definition set by Ofgem, and allows Bromford Housing to receive funding through the ECO and also the Non Domestic RHI (this scheme has closed).
Due to the Pleydells rural off gas location, the What is a Ground Source Heat Pump?Ground Source Heat Pumps
David Broom, Technical Sales Manager at Kensa comments:
Due to the potential for artesian conditions at greater depths the site featured a greater number of shallower boreholes compared to most installations. This increased the requirement for trenching works but the open nature of the site ensured minimal disruption to residents. To reduce the time for the drilling operation two drilling rigs were used simultaneously at opposite ends of the site resulting in 33 boreholes being completed in just five weeks.
The Pleydells’ micro-district ground source heat network enables tenants to benefit from the lowest possible running cost, and choose their own preferred supplier as the individual heat pump is connected directly to the individual tenant’s supply. This also means tenants are able to shop around for the cheapest possible deal rather than being forced to buy heat from the building owner as with traditional central plant district heating systems.
Tenant surveys have revealed a 100% satisfaction rate for the ground source heat pump upgrade at the Pleydells. Residents are experiencing evidenced running cost reductions of 30-50%, saving £300-£450 per year whilst also allowing for whole house heating. The ability to control the heating system provides a significant benefit as the tenant now has time and temperature control, as well as room by room control through TRV’s. Switching to flat rate electricity reduces the cost of day to day use of electricity, further contributing to running cost savings.
Paul Barlow, Bromford’s Building Surveyor for Investment Delivery South comments:
Tenant’s have been keen to share their feedback on their new Kensa ground source heat pump system: