Ground Source Heat Pumps

What is a Ground Source Heat Pump?

A ground source heat pump is a renewable heating system that extracts low-temperature solar energy stored in the ground or water using buried pipework and compresses this energy into a higher temperature. A ground source heat pump provides a building with 100% of its heating and hot water all year round.

Ultimate guide

Ground source heat pumps

Everything you need to know about ground source heat pumps


What are boreholes?

Ground source heat pump boreholes are vertical ground arrays or collectors used to extract heat energy from rock to a ground source heat pump.
Reducing air pollution

How do ground source heat pumps reduce air pollution?

Kensa explains how ground source heat pumps can reduce carbon emissions and combat pollutants – helping the UK to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.
Air pollution

Reducing air pollution with ground source heat pumps

Ground source heat pumps provide clean energy; by their very nature, they are renewable and sustainable. But did you know they can cut air pollution and reduce CO2? As electrically driven appliances with no combustion, ground source heat pumps emit no point-of-use emissions or any air pollution.
How do they work?

How do Heat Pump Systems Work?

Discover how ground source heat pumps work and what system requirements are needed for ground source heat pumps.

Are ground source heat pumps more efficient than air source heat pumps?

Yes, ground source heat pumps are more efficient than air source heat pumps. The ground temperature in the UK typically remains between 8℃ – 12℃, whereas the air temperature in winter especially during the mornings and evenings when heating is required, is often much cooler. Extracting heat from the ground is more efficient than extracting heat from the air during these times.

How does a ground source heat pump work?

Heat naturally flows from warmer to cooler places. A ground source heat pump exploits these physics by circulating a cold fluid through ground array pipework in the ground or water. It absorbs low-grade surrounding energy from external heat sources, such as rock, soil, lakes and streams.

The ground source heat pump then compresses and condenses this free energy to a higher temperature, and transfers it to the property’s heating and hot water system.

Having surrendered the absorbed energy from the ground to the heat pump, the fluid continues its circuit back to the submerged pipework to commence the cycle all over again.


How much do ground source heat pumps cost?

The cost of Ground source heat pumps typically range from £3,500 – £6,000. Installation costs are often higher than alternative heating systems, but when compared over a product lifetime, ground source heat pumps are more cost-effective and carbon-efficient than alternative heating systems.

Zero Rated VAT on Heat Pumps

You could be eligible for a 0% VAT rate for domestic purchases of heat pumps. 0% VAT is available to homeowners until 31st March 2027. Full details can be found here.

How it works

The process of how a ground source heat pump works

  1. Step 01.

    A cold water anti-freeze mix is pumped through the ground within a series of energy-absorbing pipes, known as ground arrays. As heat naturally flows from warmer to cooler places, the anti-freeze mix circulating the array is constantly warmed by the ground’s low-grade heat.

  2. Step 02.

    Having increased in temperature, the anti-freeze mixture is fed into a heat exchanger called the evaporator.

  3. Step 03.

    Within the secondary sealed side of the evaporator heat exchanger is a refrigerant that acts as a heat transfer fluid. When the water anti-freeze mixture enters the evaporator, the energy absorbed from the ground is transferred into the refrigerant which begins to boil and turn into a gas.

    The refrigerant never physically mixes with the water anti-freeze mixture. They are separated like sandwich layers by the plates of the heat exchanger which permit the heat transfer.

  4. Step 04.

    This gas is then fed into a compressor. The pressure of the refrigerant gas is increased in the compressor, which makes the gas temperature rise.

  5. Step 05.

    The hot refrigerant gas then flows into a second heat exchanger, called the condenser, which features an identical set of heat transfer plates.

  6. Step 06.

    The condenser delivers water hot enough to serve the space heating system and the property’s hot water needs. Having transferred its heat, the refrigerant gas reverts to a liquid.

  7. Step 07.

    This liquid is then passed through an expansion valve at the end of the cycle to reduce its pressure and temperature, ready to commence the cycle all over again.

  • Eligible for rewarding returns

    Heat pumps play a huge part in achieving the 2050 net-zero target. To incentivise the adoption of renewable heating, projects featuring Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) approved ground source installations that meet eligibility criteria can apply for grants of £7,500 from the government’s Boiler Upgrade Scheme to help with the cost. See all the available funding options here.
  • Low carbon emissions & improved air quality

    Boasting high efficiencies, ground source heat pumps emit no emissions and offer a low-carbon replacement for combustion fossil fuel systems. According to statistics, 17,000 premature deaths could be prevented each year by reducing mortality and diseases linked to poor air quality. Ground source heat pumps do not create particulates, Nitrogen Oxide (NOx), or Sulphur Oxide (SOx) – all of which contribute to air pollution. And it doesn’t stop there. The more that renewable sources of power such as solar and wind contribute to the electrical grid, the lower the carbon content of electricity. This means that the small portion of electricity consumed by a ground source heat pump will become less and less carbon-intensive in years to come.
  • Efficient & affordable heating

    Compared to oil or LPG, you can expect to save around 30-50% on heating bills. A ground source heat pump is powered through electricity, delivering 3 to 4kW of renewable energy for every 1kW of electrical power it consumes. This efficiency makes ground source heat pumps the most energy-efficient heating technology available, resulting in cheaper energy bills and low carbon.
  • Free heat from the ground

    From rivers to rock, ground source heat pumps absorb solar energy from a variety of natural resources. Unlike fossil fuels, ground source heat pumps offer a modern, cleaner and sustainable means to utilise naturally occurring energy from the ground. You can even tap into this energy from your own back garden.
  • Installed inside your property

    A ground source heat pump uses heat from outside your property. However, the heat pump itself is installed safely inside the property – in the same way as a traditional boiler. No louder than a kitchen appliance such as a dishwasher, the heat pump is easy to install in an airing cupboard or kitchen cabinet.
  • A practical & safe alternative to fossil fuels

    Ground source heat pumps have no annual servicing requirements, need minimal maintenance, and remove the hassle of fuel deliveries. Compared to traditional gas boilers, oil or LPG systems, ground source systems aren’t vulnerable to fuel price increases or energy security threats. They also use a non-combustion fuel source, so there is no fire risk.
  • Smart heating

    When combined with smart controls, ground source heat pumps can save you even more money on heating. Smart heating uses property physics and preferences to create your desired heating schedule. It can take into account the cheapest time for electricity use – for example, operating a heat pump when the grid demand, price and carbon is lowest.
  • Suited to all sorts of properties & projects

    Heat pumps can be installed into any building from new to old and urban to rural, challenging the misconception that they are only for new builds. New and existing properties reap the low-carbon and affordable advantages of ground source heat pumps. Boats, businesses, schools, tower blocks, holiday cottages, barn conversions, listed homes – you name it, a Kensa heat pump can almost definitely heat it.
  • Cooling in the summer

    A ground source heat pump can often deliver active or passive cooling to any property. Whether passively transferring the ground’s original temperature to the building or actively circulating chilled water, cooling is a useful function for commercial applications or homes in the summer.
  • Compatible with other renewable technologies

    Ground source heat pumps can be used with other forms of renewable technology or waste heat sources to further improve efficiencies, reduce costs and be part of a bigger solution. What about using waste heat from a data centre and providing cooling at the same time, or using your own excess electricity from your onsite generation? To make your heating 100% renewable, heat pumps can be powered by onsite solar and wind energy for self-sufficiency. They can even absorb energy from sources such as wastewater – providing it is deep enough.
I think ground source heat pumps are the future of energy generation and everyone should embrace this technology.
Alistair Mackintosh
Self builder

Can a ground source heat pump provide hot water?

Yes, Kensa ground source heat pumps are capable of providing hot water up to 60°C.

The maximum output temperature of a heat pump depends upon many factors, including the flow rate through the domestic hot water cylinder coil and the ground temperature.

Are heat pumps noisy?

Ground source heat pumps – particularly smaller heat pumps – are not noisy. They often get confused with air source heat pumps, which due to their fans, tend to operate very loudly outside.

Noise will vary across different sized heat pumps. However, thanks to innovative insulation and advanced design in Kensa’s Shoebox and Evo heat pump series, noise isn’t a common issue.

Do heat pumps need planning permission?

Most ground source heat pump installations are classed as permitted development – meaning they don’t need planning permission. However, there are some circumstances where planning permission is required. For instance, a property where more than one heat pump is installed, or projects where the ground array is installed any distance greater than 0.5 hectares.

Ground source heat pumps are designed to operate quietly. They can be installed inside, with no visual impact on the property. Air source heat pumps, on the other hand, are fitted on the outside of the property. They can be noisy and affect the property’s appearance, which is why they usually require planning permission.

Do heat pumps work in cold weather?

Yes. Cold weather should not affect the performance of a ground source heat pump. Regardless of outside temperatures, the ground remains a stable temperature all year round; just 1.2m below ground it remains a fairly constant 8-12°C. This means your ground source heat pump will provide you with efficient heating and hot water whatever the weather.

Air source heat pumps lose efficiencies during the winter and overnight when the outside air temperature drops.

Can a ground source heat pump provide hot water?

Yes, Kensa ground source heat pumps are capable of providing hot water up to 60°C.

The maximum output temperature of a heat pump depends upon many factors, including the flow rate through the domestic hot water cylinder coil and the ground temperature.

Are heat pumps noisy?

Ground source heat pumps – particularly smaller heat pumps – are not noisy. They often get confused with air source heat pumps, which due to their fans, tend to operate very loudly outside.

Noise will vary across different sized heat pumps. However, thanks to innovative insulation and advanced design in Kensa’s Shoebox and Evo heat pump series, noise isn’t a common issue.

Do heat pumps need planning permission?

Most ground source heat pump installations are classed as permitted development – meaning they don’t need planning permission. However, there are some circumstances where planning permission is required. For instance, a property where more than one heat pump is installed, or projects where the ground array is installed any distance greater than 0.5 hectares.

Ground source heat pumps are designed to operate quietly. They can be installed inside, with no visual impact on the property. Air source heat pumps, on the other hand, are fitted on the outside of the property. They can be noisy and affect the property’s appearance, which is why they usually require planning permission.

Do heat pumps work in cold weather?

Yes. Cold weather should not affect the performance of a ground source heat pump. Regardless of outside temperatures, the ground remains a stable temperature all year round; just 1.2m below ground it remains a fairly constant 8-12°C. This means your ground source heat pump will provide you with efficient heating and hot water whatever the weather.

Air source heat pumps lose efficiencies during the winter and overnight when the outside air temperature drops.

Why choose a ground source heat pump from Kensa?

Made for UK homes

Manufactured in our very own factory in Cornwall, Kensa’s ground source heat pumps are made especially for UK properties. This makes them simple to install and perfectly compatible with British buildings, schools, tower blocks and more.

Engineering ingenuity since 1999

With experience in all kinds of properties and renewable sources – from boats and businesses to lakes and soil – our ground source heat pumps have evolved from years of understanding and responding to the desires of installers and end users.

The comfort of technical support

No matter how new or old your Kensa heat pump is, every unit comes with the added comfort of technical support for years to come. Our pre and post-installation support team are on hand to give you support or advice should you ever need it.

What maintenance does a ground source heat pump need?

As a non-combustion heating system, there is no annual servicing requirement for a ground source heat pump. It requires very little maintenance, and the unit is installed safely inside the home, away from damaging external elements.

Top tips for minimal maintenance

Over a heat pump’s 20-year lifetime, it’s sensible to check on its performance as you would with any other heating system. To prepare for the heating season, simple system checks can be performed by any installer, which include:

Checking the heat collectors to make sure they’re absorbing the optimum amount of energy

Looking over the distribution system’s room stats and programmers to make sure they’re operating and functioning correctly\nMaking sure any battery-charged components have charge\nEnsuring the pressure of the system is above 2 bar

Testing the gas charge pressure on the heating system’s expansion vessel

By maintaining your heat pump, you’re making sure it’s performing at its best. That way, it remains energy efficient, continues to save you money on your heating bills, and ensures and optimises continued payments from the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI: this scheme has now closed – please visit this page to explore other funding).

The game-changing Genesis System Manager

A world-first ground source heat pump controller, the Genesis System manager further minimises maintenance. As a current innovation in the Evo ground source heat pump, the Genesis can pre-empt and identify potential issues before they happen.