How much space do I need for them?
The length and number of slinky pipes required will depend on the heat demand of the property. Kensa manufactures three different lengths of slinky pipe: 30m, 40m and 50m long.
As a general guide, Kensa recommends 10m of trench with slinkies per kilowatt of the heat pump size. This means a 4kW heat pump will require one 40m long trench with slinky pipes buried in the ground for space heating. If domestic hot water is required, the length of the trench will increase slightly.
Slinkies vs. space-saving ground arrays
Also known as a horizontal ground array, a slinky trench takes up much more ground area than vertical arrays like boreholes, but it’s cheaper to install because there is no need for specialist drilling equipment.
Trenches are dug in the property’s surrounding space, such as the back garden.
Compare to other ground arrays