Heating High Rise: Blog Series

Housing Associations and Local Authorities struggling to heat high rise?

An unprecedented energy crisis is upon us. The NEA forecasts a 50% increase in the number of households facing fuel poverty in the next 6 months. Networked ground source heat pumps provide a reliable, renewable heating solution, especially for high rise, where options are limited and safety is paramount.

This blog series, written by David Broom, Managing Director of Kensa Contracting, will explore the issues around fuel poverty and the renewable ground source solution in more detail.

Want to find out more?

To provide further advice on switching to ground source heat pump technology, Kensa ran a series of regional webinars (https://www.kensacontracting.com/heating-highrise/) discussing the operating costs and environmental benefits in detail, providing advice based on our experience and how to develop projects from concept to business case approval and deployment.

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