Environmental Policy & Statement of Intent

Environmental Policy & Statement of Intent

This environment policy applies to the Kensa Group of companies including Kensa Heat Pumps, Kensa Contracting and Kensa Utilities (collectively referred to as “Kensa”, “we” or “us” in this policy). The objective of this policy is to attain and maintain high standards of environmental performance throughout Kensa. All persons conducting activities on behalf of Kensa will adhere to this Environmental Policy.

1. Our commitment

Kensa’s core business delivers climate solutions through ground source heat pump installations and integrated energy solutions that will enable the UK’s transition to net zero carbon. To this effect, our company’s vision, strategy, value proposition, products and services are intrinsically aligned with the 1.5°C ambition. We are committed to prioritising products and services that enable the reduction and removal of customer and societal emissions, enabling resource efficient lifestyles and consumption patterns, and suppressing solutions with an adverse climate impact. We are also committed to contributing to the 1.5°C ambition beyond our operations through influencing government policy to support the mass adoption of low to net zero carbon heating systems and supporting industry initiatives to align with 1.5°C We are also committed to building on sustainable practises and funding projects outside of our value chain that help remove or avoid emissions and improve natural habitats and air quality. Kensa considers environmental management to be of prime importance and is fully committed to fulfilling all environmental responsibilities as well as continuous improvement of environmental performance throughout our own operations and activites. As such Kensa will continually address our own activities, and those of our clients, contractors, suppliers and the workforce towards achieving this goal. Recognising that climate change poses a threat to the economy, nature and society-at-large, Kensa has committed to take action in order to: • Halve the intensity of our emissions (CO2e/net revenue) before 2030; • Achieve net zero emissions before 2050; and • Disclose our progress on a yearly basis. In doing so, we are proud to be recognised by the United Nations Race to Zero campaign, and join governments, businesses, cities, regions, and universities around the world that share the same mission

2. Our policy

It is the Policy of Kensa to: • Continually improve our environmental performance by monitoring progress against targets and objectives on a regular basis and audit environmental performance; • Understand and comply with all environmental legislation, codes of practice and regulations; • Organise operations in order to minimise pollution, waste, resource efficiency and noise disturbance; • Provide assistance, training and information that may be necessary to personnel at all levels; • Use materials and resources with regard to long-term sustainability; and • Employ a consistent framework for the management of environmental issues across all its operations. The successful management of environmental issues will be achieved by: • Identification and management of environmental risks and aspects; • Prevention of pollution; • Recycling and minimisation of waste; • Efficient use of water and energy; • Efficient use of natural resources; • Sustainable transport; • Responsible purchasing; • Provision of prompt response to incidents and emergencies; • Working with clients and suppliers to encourage high environmental standards; • Raising awareness and training employees on environmental issues; • Promotion of environmental issues and good practice; and • Reviewing and reporting on the content and implementation of this policy through an Environmental Action Plan.